When it comes to probiotics, bacteria are all you can think about and understand. The fact is that bacteria are just one type of probiotics but there are many more. Next time, when you visit your doctor, make sure that you ask whether your probiotics pills work or not.
Discussed here are four major types of probiotics found in the human body-
L. Casei
This is an anaerobic bacterium preferably used in the preparation of dairy products. This probiotic is largely used in cheddar cheese and green olives. This probiotic is an essential type of nonstarter lactic acid bacteria.
A few impacts of this probiotic property have been observed so far. They restrict diseases in the gastrointestinal system due to the presence of certain pathogens. As an adult, if you are suffering from any gastrointestinal disorders, then ask your doctor for the best probiotic supplement.
A significant amount of this probiotic helped improve the health of several children from acute diarrhea within less time.
Lactobacillus acidophilus
This probiotic has acidic nature. This nature helps them create an atmosphere that restricts the growth of harmful bacteria. Several species of this probiotic are present in the making of milk products, wine, beer, cider, and pickles.
Some are also well-known for anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.
Saccharomyces boulardii
This probiotic is widely used to treat irritable bowel syndrome, travelers and HIV-associated diarrhea. Several probiotic supplements are suggested to maintain bowel health.
Make sure that you purchase the right supplement to avoid any negative impact on your body. This probiotic is commonly referred to as a tropical extract of yeast.
Bifidobacterium bifidus
These anaerobic bacteria are found in the mouth, vaginal area, and gastrointestinal tract. They help in the production of essential vitamins and bring necessary alteration in immune responses.
There are several organic supplements that provide you with this probiotic. However, pregnant and women who are breast-feeding infants must seek their gynecologists’ permission before including them in their diet.
The best aspect of these probiotics is that their supplements are easily available at a vitamin supplements store. You don’t have to worry about their availability and ensure that you are in good health.