Biotin is Vitamin B that is often recommended by general physicians while there is unhealthy hair. Learnings done in the past suggest that Biotin deficiency can cause thinning of hair, reduce the growth of hair, and nails. Usually, physicians add a Biotin supplement in our daily diet by adding the following food items.
Egg yolk
Oats with milk in the morning breakfast
Cauliflower during our meals
Banana once a day
Carrots along with the salad we have during the meals
The concentration of Biotin in all these food items vary. In such a case, depending on the deficiency, physicians suggest the frequency. At times, vegetarians face issues.
If you want to fulfill the Vitamin B (Biotin) deficiency, then,
Either you have to start eating non-veg food
Else you have a better option for the Biotin supplement. Many vitamin supplements stores provide supplements of Biotin in the tablets or powder that suffice all our body requirements.
But before you consume any humanly made supplements, it is necessary for you to understand its health benefits.
Healthy benefits of consuming artificial Biotin
Your body needs Biotin for its normal functioning. It is a macronutrient you consume that gets converted into energy. Our body uses this converted energy in various body functions.
As per one study, humans have hair loss because of the deficiency of Vitamin B, Biotin. So, consuming human-made Biotin for hair will help you to stay away from any hair loss.
Hair thinning is also because of Biotin deficiency. To avoid such a situation, you can opt humanly made Biotin.
Humanly Biotin supplements can also help during other conditions like diabetes, muscular sclerosis, and diabetic nerve pain. But, there is no such scientific proof.
Even though Biotin supplement can suffice various health and hair problems, we recommend you to consume only under the guidance of any medical practitioner. It will keep you safe from any possible health side effects. Even, the practitioner will guide you on the concentration of Vitamin B (Biotin) you need to consume to suffice the deficiency.